Today’s Shot

Happy Holidays 2014!

Happy Holidays 2014

Happy Holidays – 2013


Monday! Harrumph…

More from our recent trips to Canada

Great Gray Owl, Canada (4688)

Great Gray – Dinner

In the space of 10 minutes we saw this Great Gray Owl hunt twice – successfully.  This was the first meal…

Great Gray Owl, Canada (5875-3)
















Great Gray Owl

We spent the weekend in Canada looking for Great Gray Owls…more images to follow.

Great Gray Owl, Canada (4448)



Monday Moose

Spending a week in Maine to photograph moose.  The rut is just starting so the males are getting increasingly, uh, animated.

We had 3 sightings today but only the one at the end of the produced some images.


Moose, Maine - USA (9809)















The same male, but in B&W

Moose, Maine - USA (0001)














Painted Lady

A few weeks ago a big wave of butterflies came through our area and covered a hillside near our abode.  Lot’s of Monarch Butterflies and these fellows.  For you science types they are called Vanessa cardui, more commonly, the Painted Lady.

Painted Lady, Vermont - USA (1983)

















Today’s Catch

The loons were eating very well today.  Crayfish and catfish were on the menu.


Loon, Vermont - USA (4422)















Loon, Vermont - USA (4309)
















Loon, Vermont - USA (4497)














Loon, Vermont - USA (4506)

















More Macro

More attempts at macro photography.  Check out that golden back.  The little globs of orange are grains of pollen.  Yum.  Check out the full size photo to catch all the details…

Hoverfly Eating Pollen, Vermont -USA (0875)


Macro Monday

I was out on Saturday photographing loons but I will give you a break from loons for a while.  On Sunday I tried a bit of macro photography, not something i have done much of before….Wow, it is really hard to do it well, but i am happy with this one, given that i don’t really know what i am doing.  Check out the full size image to really get in close and see the details. (For your reference, a hoverfly is at most 1/2 an inch in length)


Hoverfly on Fuschia Flower, Vermont - USA (0299)